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Terrible Dunn`s Cues (repairing tips)

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
    looks like the wood was not fully dried when they made the cue.
    I totally agree with ADR147, the wood has been spliced onto the butt without being dried properly. with the splice bonding face being glued and dried it has no where to go but the finished external still wanting to creep. no amount of sanding is going to get rid of these, unless of course a 10mm tip and 10mm butt diameter is a look you would like to try and promote its faulty goods mate.....get a full refund, write off the postage as a bad experience and be happy in the knowledge that you have exposed not only a shoddy cue maker but also a person with questionable morals...good luck with this.


    • #17
      Burr,if not dried properly can tend to crack.A cabinet maker gave me a tip I can pass on.When you sand,collect the dust created (this will be mostly wood dust). Glue in cracks,sprinkle dust over glue,while the glue is wet.Crack is now the same colour as its surroundings.Polish CAREFULLY to finish.Hope this helps.


      • #18
        Originally Posted by old school View Post
        Burr,if not dried properly can tend to crack.A cabinet maker gave me a tip I can pass on.When you sand,collect the dust created (this will be mostly wood dust). Glue in cracks,sprinkle dust over glue,while the glue is wet.Crack is now the same colour as its surroundings.Polish CAREFULLY to finish.Hope this helps.
        Sounds like a possible DIY solution to me.
        If I were you I'd try to fix it myself first and if unfortunately it didn't work out, then send it back for a refund or a new cue. But of course, communicate with the seller first. Good luck with this mate


        • #19
          looks like Dunn's comes from the phrase you were royally done

          sound slike a rogue of a cue maker
          Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


          • #20
            I received a maple shaft cue from them with a knot in the shaft, I could not beleive that they would send something like this. I think they have a warehouse of cues they would like to get rid off (seconds and thirds). I will never buy from them again, and deffinately do not recomend them.

            I try hard, play hard and dont always succeed, at first.!!!!:snooker:


            • #21
              Originally Posted by sharkster63 View Post
              I received a maple shaft cue from them with a knot in the shaft, I could not beleive that they would send something like this. I think they have a warehouse of cues they would like to get rid off (seconds and thirds). I will never buy from them again, and deffinately do not recomend them.

              any knowledge about bad cue makers is just as welcome as knowledge about great ones. thank you for reinforcing my initial thoughts.

              p.s. i can't believe some adds to this thread think it is acceptable to ''DIY'' repair on a BRAND NEW CUE.....The worlds gone mad i tell ya


              • #22
                Was the butt varnished or just oil finished?


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by amactaggart View Post
                  p.s. i can't believe some adds to this thread think it is acceptable to ''DIY'' repair on a BRAND NEW CUE.....The worlds gone mad i tell ya
                  Originally Posted by p00kaju View Post
                  When I ask that how can I return cue maker says that it`s ok but I have to pay shipping.

                  Sending back cue and case which is over 59" long would cost over 100 pounds (From Finland to UK) and I already pay local custom almost 40 pounds taxes because package come outside of EU.
                  Postage back & forth plus taxes will cost him 240 pounds extra. That amount can almost fetch him a new plain one piece TW cue


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by Cue View Post
                    The orginal status of your cue is shown here:


                    have you placed your cue under extreme cold environment? Or have you sanded it badly by yourself and creat those cracks?

                    Cue in this image does not look like the same cue as the one with damage.

                    Grain pattern on the front splice is different, which may explain why the one in this image has no cracking.


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                      no i wouldn't think so - burr wood does crackle sometimes but not like that.
                      Im afraid burr wood will crack like this.
                      Apart from re-turning this you wont get these out.( even then there's no guarantee ).
                      Your only other option is as said before, and fill them in but that's not really ideal.
                      It could be that the wood wasn't properly dried as Andrew said.
                      They could also be heat cracks from which come from sanding at speed,
                      but they look a little big for that.
                      Also the wood looks very dry like there's not enough oil been used on it.

                      Good luck with it

                      Did you put my "1" up ?


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
                        Cue in this image does not look like the same cue as the one with damage.

                        Grain pattern on the front splice is different, which may explain why the one in this image has no cracking.
                        Good spot Trevor, definitely not the same cue!!
                        Did you put my "1" up ?


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by p00kaju View Post

                          Few weeks ago I got new custom made Dunn`s Cue. First suprise was that butt/splicing is full of deep cuts and maker says that you have to use sandpaper to get it even/smooth. Now I have made this sanding about 10 times but these cuts are so depth that I think sanding is not best way to repair this cue. I use 400 and 600 sandpaper.

                          Is there any good way to fill these cuts with some special eboxy or liquid wood etc.?

                          Pictures in may web album:

                          Secondly these cues comes from China and you may have to pay local taxes as I have to pay.

                          Was the cue like this when you received it...???

                          If so, there's absolutely no way this problem occured to that extent in transit.


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by p00kaju View Post
                            When I ask that how can I return cue maker says that it`s ok but I have to pay shipping.

                            Sending back cue and case which is over 59" long would cost over 100 pounds (From Finland to UK) and I already pay local custom almost 40 pounds taxes because package come outside of EU.

                            Cue is one piece.

                            Was this sent from the UK...???

                            Who supplied it...???

